Cyber Security Assessment Service

Service Scope

Having a solid and secure computer network is a very critical part of any organization today.

Having a solid and secure computer network is a very critical part of any organization today. Not knowing the state of your security infrastructure and operations is a high risk to any and all organizations. We can help you understand the state and status of your Cyber Security practices and also test your controls and processes used for managing your Cyber Security.

We work with your internal IT team(s) to collect all the necessary data to build a formal RFP (Request for Proposal). We then work with several Cyber Security specialized consulting firms to perform the in-depth technical assessment. Our Pre Assessment Service is concise and very affordable.

We typically start our assessment process by asking the following questions:

  1. Do you have policies and procedures for Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and SOD (Separation of Duties)?
  2. Do you have a formal Cyber Security Strategy, Strategic Plan or Practice?
  3. – Do you have a budget (CAPEX & OPEX) allocated for managing your Cyber Security?
  4. – Have you ever had a Cyber Security Vulnerability Assessment or PenTest performed?
  5. – Do you have a Cyber Liability Insurance Policy and Incident Response Plan?
  6. – Have you had a breach recently? If so, are you aware of the Breach Reporting Laws and Regulations?
  7. – Do you have any imposed regulatory requirements such as SOX, HIPPA, PCI, ISO, FISMA or others?

If you can’t answer all the questions above, you most likely need our help. We will work with you and your organization to provide our standard Cyber Security Assessment service offering or build a custom Statement of Work to best fit your needs. 

Service Deliverables

- Meet with internal Cyber Security staff to review existing CS environment.


– Provide a Roadmap of all critical areas of your Cyber Security practices and technologies


– Provide a complete report of all initial findings categorized by levels of criticality


– Build and distribute an RFP to 3 (three) Cyber Security Assessment vendors


– Coordinate and perform the Vulnerability Assessment and or Pennetration Test(s)


- Provide complete CAPEX and OPEX budgets to address all identified issues


– Provide a Recommendations Report to address all identified issues


– Provide a Report of all software and hardware license agreements related to Cyber Security technologies used


– Provide a Staff Skills Assessment Report


– Provide a complete Project Plan to perform the remediation work, including the project management work for the entire assessment

Let's Work Together!

We have also managed Cloud services and remote hosted IT Infrastructure at collocation facilities within the United States as well as international facilities.


Santa Clara, CA 95050


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